Herbs – The KinderGARDEN of Growing at Home

Gardening at home is rewarding in many ways, not only does it get you outdoors, it can bring you a new found hobby but also it can keep you in a plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs. For some of us with a little more space than others there is no end to what you can grow. I went with the early theory of ‘Grow what you eat’, then for those who are limited by space yet still wanting to pull on the gloves and get dirty, the scattering of Herbs could be the answer.

Be it a couple of pots here and there around the back yard or out on the balcony, fresh herbs are something that are a staple in everyday cooking. Chives in your scrambled eggs, parsley & garlic butter on top of a great steak, homemade mint sauce on your Lamb roast or lemon thyme sprinkled on a simple pan fried Chicken breast and when they come from your own garden, by gee they make it taste so much better.

While some herbs can be grown from seed, others are better taken from cuttings or planted from seedlings. Your local farmers markets are always a great place to shop for quality seedlings. Make sure to pick a sunny position as most herbs prefer full sun, choose quality potting mix or well composted soil that is free draining, then let’s get digging. Once established and you start seeing some good growth, make sure to trim regularly as this will stop them looking shaggy. If they have a big burst of growth, take a good size bunch and string them up in a warm protected area for a few weeks till dried. Crush them into a jar and keep them year long to make those dishes pop with your own home-grown herby flavour.

Back in early May at my place, along with some organic garlic, I picked up some brussel sprouts, broccolini, chives & cauliflower seedlings from the markets that have found their way into some well composted raised beds.

I’ve also planted some carrots from seed that are now well on the way.

We’ve just pulled out the last of the trusty old Zucchini vines that have kept us in full supply since last Christmas and our late season tomatoes are still kicking on. Early June saw some silverbeet and rainbow chard find some space in front of the lettuce and fennel. Along with the Citrus trees going well there’s a few other things on the go that keep us busy while not at the markets.

Happy Gardening!  Will.

Will Roberts

With many years experience in hospitality and retail, Will Roberts now looks after Operations at The Free Range Butcher. With an eye for detail and superior customer service skills, Will makes sure that everything runs smoothly and customers have a great experience, everytime. Outside of work, Will is kept in line / busy with a wife and two young daughters.

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