An Old Habit Re-ignited
I’ve recently taken up an old habit; having steak and eggs for breakfast. Besides the fact that I’m up early and keen to get out the door after a few Weetbix, I’m not sure the smell of steak and eggs is something that my household would enjoy waking up to. I expect that when the young troops arise there is enough going on.
Tom is nearly four now and from the early hours feels the need to run around the house, arms pumping like pistons, only stopping briefly to be refilled with coal. Young Georgia is all of 16 months and is at that delightful age where she can’t talk, but understands most things, wants everything you touch and her idea of communication is to point generally in the direction of the desired object and proceed to scream her lungs out. With all that going I’ve just thought it best to cook my smelly breakfast somewhere else.
So this morning I’m in our Sydney HQ; the pacifying, noisy hum of refrigerated vehicles whirring in the warehouse drowns out the sizzle of my 4am steak (eggs sunny side up if you were wondering). As I look around my mind wanders to all the foam delivery boxes on the racking above my head. More than 1000 have already been delivered to us for our Christmas orders.
My thoughts run away, and I think of my Dad, and our other suppliers back on their farms, waiting for daylight to check the pigs in the paddocks. I think of our butchers who in a few weeks will start cooking the hams in around the clock shifts, the oven running 24/7, and individually temperature testing each one to ensure succulent moist ham. I then think of the easy online order process, and the convenient delivery right to the customers’ door.
I also imagine all the guests at your Christmas table commenting on the wonderful flavoursome Pasture Fed Free Range Ham they are enjoying. Our efforts and yours on Christmas day will be rewarded by the warm feeling you get knowing that your family meal has been sourced from a sustainable farmer who cared for their produced right until it reached your door. It would be disappointing to miss out, wouldn’t it? Even more disappointing than eating hard eggs because you were off dreaming!
ham, Newsletter - November 2013, pork

Ordered our hams on the weekend (one for us and one for the parentals) – cant wait! Hubby said he will look at picking up some ham steaks at the markets next week for brekkie’s – getting into the spirit of things early!