Best Ever Roast Beef

A roast dinner is the perfect way to gather the family around the table to connect and chat about the week.  A roast dinner is actually really easy to cook so to help you out here are our tips to get you cooking the perfect beef roast.  All you need to add is lots of roast vegies and some broccoli or asparagus.
  1. Remove Beef roast from fridge and take it out of the Cryovac packaging.  Make sure you take note of the weight of your roast.
  2. Place the beef on a plate and allow the meat to come to room temperature before cooking (30 – 45 minutes).
  3. Rub a generous amount of oil and salt over the meat.
  4. For extra flavour, spread seeded mustard over the roast (or any mustard of your choice).
  5. Preheat oven to 180°C and roast for 40 minutes per kilogram for medium doneness, or 50 minutes per kilogram if you like it well done .
  6. To check your roast is cooked, pierce the meat with a sharp knife or fork and look for light pink (medium) or clear juices (well done).  You can also use a meat thermometer for more accuracy, especially if you like it medium-rare.
  7. Rest under foil for 10 – 15 minutes before you carve.
About Alison Clinch
Alison Clinch has 20 years marketing experience gained in small and medium size business. She is especially passionate about supporting local communities, communications, and brand management. In her role with The Free Range Butcher Alison is responsible for the company’s branding, promotion, advertising and website. Her experience in the kitchen and passion for good food also brings refreshing new ideas for our recipe suggestions. Initially working alongside her husband Ben at the farmers markets, Alison is more ‘behind the scenes’ now, and keeping busy with two young apprentices’ / kids, Tom and Georgia.

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