How to Make a Difference in Your House

Target 100 is an initiative by Australian cattle and sheep farmers, to deliver sustainable cattle and sheep farming by 2020. It’s a commitment to take positive action, to continually improve the way we operate and improve our sustainability throughout the red meat supply chain. The Free Range Butcher has signed up to Target 100 and you can see our profile on the website here. The website also includes tips for what you can do at home to make a difference.

  • Be mindful of packaging – make an effort to avoid buying overly packaged foods.
  • Make your own stockmake your own stock by using leftover vegetables, chicken and meat.
  • Find uses for food close to perishing – try to avoid overbuying food. For fresh foods about to perish think about what you can do with them (sauces for vegetables; smoothies for fruits).
  • Get freezinguse your freezer to preserve foods you’re unable to consume before the expiration dates.
  • Put food scraps to good use – get a compost bin or worm farm for your fresh food waste.
  • Find creative ways to use leftoversmake the best of your leftovers either in a delicious salad, wrap or sandwich for lunch the next day.
  • Plan a weekly menu – by planning a weekly menu, including supplies for morning teas and lunch boxes you can buy only what you need and reduce food waste.

How would you rate your household when it comes to food wastage? Are you saints or sinners? ‘Fess up below.

food wastage, menu planning, Target 100

Alison Clinch

Alison Clinch has 20 years marketing experience gained in small and medium size business. She is especially passionate about supporting local communities, communications, and brand management. In her role with The Free Range Butcher Alison is responsible for the company’s branding, promotion, advertising and website. Her experience in the kitchen and passion for good food also brings refreshing new ideas for our recipe suggestions. Initially working alongside her husband Ben at the farmers markets, Alison is more ‘behind the scenes’ now, and keeping busy with two young apprentices’ / kids, Tom and Georgia.

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