A Load of Hogwash

Firstly, let’s call it H1N1 for the pigs’ sake. Our politically correct pigs delivered to us from Melanda Park are about to march on parliament house in protest, as they believe they have nothing to do with this ‘hog wash’. And the reality is they don’t. As of today, the renamed H1N1 virus has not been reported in pigs...

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Top 5 Tips for Perfect Steak

I love the idea that someone buys one of our steaks, takes it home and cooks it to perfection. I also cringe at the thought of it being cooked badly… so, here’s my Top 5 Tips for Perfect Steak. 1. Choose the right cut Are you eating the steak on its own or as part of a dish? If eating the steak on its own,...

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Recipe: Korean Barbeque Steaks

We especially love this recipe because it uses just a few ingredients—most of which you’ll already have in the cupboard—and the flavours are fantastic! Ingredients: 8 grass fed BBQ steaks 2 cloves of garlic, crushed 1/4 cup soy sauce 1 tablespoon sesame oil 1 tablespoon castor sugar 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil Method: Place...

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