Recipe: Caramelised Chilli Pork with Cucumber Salad

This is a Donna Hay recipe which has been adapted by our friend Trish McPherson. Thanks Trish!


  • 650g Pasture Fed pork fillet, sliced
  • 1 tbsp grated ginger
  • 2 chilli,  finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup soy sauce
  • 2/3 cup brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp fish sauce
  • 2 tbsp lime juice
  • Coriander
  • Mint
  • Cucumber
  • Bean Sprouts
  • Boiled rice to serve


  • Make salad of thinly sliced cucumbers and bean sprouts (or whatever you are using) with chopped mint and coriander.
  • Pan fry pork fillet until brown and nearly cooked then remove.
  • Add soy sauce, fish sauce, lime juice, sugar and ginger to pan and cook until is sugar dissolved and starting to caramelise.
  • Return pork to pan and reheat.
  • Serve pork and sauce over salad with boiled rice.
Trish’s tip: If you don’t have bean sprouts you can use snow peas, sugar snaps or asparagus; just lightly steam and then refresh. Serves 6. Cheers, Alison  
About Alison Clinch
Alison Clinch has 20 years marketing experience gained in small and medium size business. She is especially passionate about supporting local communities, communications, and brand management. In her role with The Free Range Butcher Alison is responsible for the company’s branding, promotion, advertising and website. Her experience in the kitchen and passion for good food also brings refreshing new ideas for our recipe suggestions. Initially working alongside her husband Ben at the farmers markets, Alison is more ‘behind the scenes’ now, and keeping busy with two young apprentices’ / kids, Tom and Georgia.

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