Recipe: Chorizo and Spinach Quiche

This recipe is of the “pot luck” variety… it came to life from what we had in the fridge and turned out better than imagined. The ingredients make it a very dense quiche, so it’s very filling. It’s also really good for school/work lunches – even served cold, it’s really yummy. Cheers, Alison


  • 2 sheets of shortcrust pastry
  • 3 chorizo sausages or 1 to 1.5 cups of chopped, leg ham
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1 large bunch of spinach, washed and roughly chopped
  • 2 cups of grated cheese (tasty, or whatever you choose/have)


  • Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees.
  • Arrange pastry in quiche dish and trim the edges. Top with baking paper and pastry beads or uncooked rice.
  • Bake pastry for 10 minutes, then remove paper and beads/rice, and bake for another 10 minutes. Remove from the oven.
  • Meanwhile, slice the chorizo into rounds and fry off in a pan for a few minutes. Remove and allow to cool a little.
  • Steam or microwave the chopped spinach until it is just cooked (i.e. 1 minute in microwave).
  • Whisk together the eggs, milk and 1.5 cups of cheese. Add the chorizo and spinach and mix altogether.
  • Spoon the mixture in to the pastry case and top with the remaining ½ cup cheese.
  • Place into the oven for 15 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 150 degrees and cook for a further 45 minutes.


Precise cooking times are difficult as all ovens are different. If the egg is uncooked (still runny) at the end of the hour cooking time, return the quiche to the oven and check every 10 minutes. A little runniness is ok, as it will continue to cook when it’s removed from the oven and before it’s sliced.   Have you had success with a pot luck recipe? We’d love you to share it below. Or have you made this Spinach and Chorizo Quiche? What do you think?
About Alison Clinch
Alison Clinch has 20 years marketing experience gained in small and medium size business. She is especially passionate about supporting local communities, communications, and brand management. In her role with The Free Range Butcher Alison is responsible for the company’s branding, promotion, advertising and website. Her experience in the kitchen and passion for good food also brings refreshing new ideas for our recipe suggestions. Initially working alongside her husband Ben at the farmers markets, Alison is more ‘behind the scenes’ now, and keeping busy with two young apprentices’ / kids, Tom and Georgia.

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