Author: Ben Clinch

Ben Clinch has a strong background in agriculture and has experience in operations and project management. Before starting The Free Range Butcher he worked as jackaroo, camel handler, barman, security guard, handyman, and tiler. These days he manages the day to day running of The Free Range Butcher business, and you can usually find him out the front of the farmers market stall; often telling bad jokes, or offering samples to vegetarians. He’s also the go to guy for sales, corporate enquiries, events, and silly questions.

The Eyes Have It

We had Corned Beef (with plenty of white sauce) for dinner last night. I’m sure it’s the same for many of you; certain meals bring back certain memories. Food has a way of tying together events and celebrations – and of course people. For my mind, there is no greater joy than preparing, cooking and sharing food with...

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The New ABC: Abattoirs, Bandwagons and Certification

We received a question today about the abattoirs we use and whether or not they are Halal certified. Presuming that the person was not seeking meat for religious reasons (this was obvious from the questions she asked), I can only assume that she had been reading the social media hype regarding the fees that are charged...

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Ethics, Sustainability, Traceability and Pricing

If you’re a regular reader of our blog or newsletter, you’re probably already familiar with what we produce and sell, and how we (and our like-minded farming partners) make it happen. From the beginning we’ve encouraged questions from customers and we never shy away from the tough ones. This week I...

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Meaty Milestones

No matter how old you get, as life evolves there are a number of ‘firsts’. Recently I’ve had a surprising number of them. Not all big momentous occasions, none of them were celebrated any further than the confines of my mind, but they were all firsts none the less, and milestones to mark in my life time. The first first...

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A Little of the Good Stuff or Loads of the Not-so-Good?

At the end of this year I will turn 40 – I know, I know it’s hard to believe with my youthful good looks. In the last couple of years I’ve also become a father; Tom is now four and a half and Georgia is 2 years old. My increasing age, and becoming a father and a role model to my children has really reconfirmed...

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