OzHarvest – #mealforameal & Think.Eat.Save

I recently spent an inspiring morning at OzHarvest Headquarters listening to founder Ronni Kahn talk about the amazing work they do and hearing tips from 4 of Sydney’s top chefs, including two of my personal favourites, Colin Fassnidge and Mark Best.

One of most valuable things I learnt was about the ‪#‎mealforameal‬ hashtag – EVERY TIME you tag a food photo with this hashtag Virgin Mobile donates real dollar$ to OzHarvest. For $1 OzHarvest can provide 2 meals so add purpose to your social media posts and go crazy with the #mealforameal hashtag.

Other things I learned were about food waste… Did you know that 1 in 5 grocery bags in Australia is wasted? Food waste is currently costing Australians up to $10 billion each year, while two million people still rely on food relief.

Most food wastage happens at the consumption stage: when we shop, cook and eat. Simple plans can make an enormous difference, such as:

  • Checking the fridge before we go shopping – plan instead of buying from habit
  • When checking best before dates, use your common sense! Smell and taste the milk or yoghurt before tossing it out at midnight on the labelled date.
In our house we have a very simple food rotation system whereby the ‘oldest’ vegetables go in one draw labelled ‘Use 1st’ and the newer produce goes in the other draw labelled ‘Use 2nd’. I told you it was simple system 🙂Check out OzHarvest’s Think.Eat.Save campaign page for more tips.

Colin Fassnidge, Newsletter - October 2015, OzHarvest

Alison Clinch

Alison Clinch has 20 years marketing experience gained in small and medium size business. She is especially passionate about supporting local communities, communications, and brand management. In her role with The Free Range Butcher Alison is responsible for the company’s branding, promotion, advertising and website. Her experience in the kitchen and passion for good food also brings refreshing new ideas for our recipe suggestions. Initially working alongside her husband Ben at the farmers markets, Alison is more ‘behind the scenes’ now, and keeping busy with two young apprentices’ / kids, Tom and Georgia.

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