Together We are One

When you work in a small team like us here at The Free Range Butcher it makes a positive difference to be surrounded by like minded people who share the same values as you and who are not afraid to pitch in and help out.

It’s always all hands on deck no matter what needs to be done around here.  Our management team can be found in the office, or down in the warehouse during the week, and at the Farmers Markets on the weekend.  We are lucky to have such multi-skilled employees who don’t mind a very early start!

Teamwork is key to our success and can also be seen in our gardens and kitchens.  We all love to cook and experiment in the kitchen but even more than that, we all love the satisfaction of growing our own.  We all know Ben has a bountiful backyard veggie gardening going, Will has acres and is growing all kinds of herbs and veggies, and I even manage to grow some herbs on my balcony.

“Sharing is caring” we say, so when Will and Ben supplied me with this amazing produce recently, I turned it into chicken stock paste.  This is a great alternative to avoiding nasty, chemical laden stock cubes, or if you don’t have homemade liquid chicken stock ready to go.  This lasts in the fridge for 4-6 months so you have a tablespoon of chicken stock whenever you need it.

Homemade Chicken stock paste is a team effort
Homemade Chicken stock paste is a team effort

Note the three jars – one for each of us!

chicken stock, free range chicken, make your own, vegie garden, vegies

Michele Lyons

Michele Lyons spent 25 years working in the corporate environment with 10 years as an Executive Assistant at a senior level. A couple of years ago Michele decided to forgo the long hours in the city to work closer to home and spend more time with her two teenage boys. Michele started working with us at the Farmers Markets and her excellent organisation skills meant she quickly moved into the office. Since Michele joined The Free Range Butcher her role has expanded to include all things administration, recipe testing, inspirational ideas, marketing, communications and all round keeping the team organised and on track. As long as Michele’s has had her morning coffee you can ask her anything!

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