Author: Ben Clinch

Ben Clinch has a strong background in agriculture and has experience in operations and project management. Before starting The Free Range Butcher he worked as jackaroo, camel handler, barman, security guard, handyman, and tiler. These days he manages the day to day running of The Free Range Butcher business, and you can usually find him out the front of the farmers market stall; often telling bad jokes, or offering samples to vegetarians. He’s also the go to guy for sales, corporate enquiries, events, and silly questions.

One way to move a windmill

I arrived in the Northern Territory in early February; the first round of mustering was yet to start. As we waited for the end of the wet season to finish we worked close around the homestead – fencing, cleaning out water troughs, moving small groups of cattle to new water and fresh feed, and helping the mechanics do...

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Grass Fed Meat – Why Eat It?

It’s better. It’s that simple! Grass Fed versus Grain Fed – there are numerous articles around the pros and cons and the impact on our Health. The fact that you are reading this may mean that you are considering buying or have bought from The Free Range Butcher and are therefore conscious of how your meat is produced...

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A Drive In The Country

I don’t mind a drive in the country. Seeing new country is the best, different soils and trees always tell a story and no description does the justice of being there. Last month I drove out through the lower Hunter, left onto the Golden Highway and headed towards Dubbo. I camped the night at a small town and got a cheap...

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Winter Newsletter 2018

Welcome to our Winter Newsletter for 2018. We fell off the horse in writing newsletters a while back…. With a good amount of rest under our belt this month we bring you news from the farm, some tips for your winter garden, some help around food programs and some kitchen inspiration too. Winter on the farm is a bit of...

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Will Goes Where the Grass Grows

Our Operations Manager, Will, and his family recently made a lifestyle change moving from the suburbs of Sydney to a more rural location. Fed up with limited space and a busy lives they decided to move further out, rediscover wide open spaces and get back to basics. Six months on, and the whole family is loving it. Here...

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