Author: Ben Clinch

Ben Clinch has a strong background in agriculture and has experience in operations and project management. Before starting The Free Range Butcher he worked as jackaroo, camel handler, barman, security guard, handyman, and tiler. These days he manages the day to day running of The Free Range Butcher business, and you can usually find him out the front of the farmers market stall; often telling bad jokes, or offering samples to vegetarians. He’s also the go to guy for sales, corporate enquiries, events, and silly questions.

The Diet Debate

I’m not one for supermarkets. Rarely do we enter, and we try to limit the amount of ‘food’ that we purchase in store. Toiletries and the like are needed, so the gentle force of convenience draws us in. Admittedly my better half is the main purchaser in our house, but recently I had to stop in to purchase a few...

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Glorious days, cool nights and a little rain…

I am always interested and slightly confused when the winter solstice passes, as it has done recently. There are definitely the colder months in front of us, yet the days will now start to get longer, and somewhere in my mind the collision between colder weather and longer days doesn’t make sense, but I don’t speak of...

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An Encounter With Gaz the Boreman

I arrived in the Northern Territory in early February; the first round of mustering was yet to start. As we waited for the end of the wet season to finish, we worked close around the homestead – fencing, cleaning out water troughs, moving small groups of stock to new water and fresh feed, and helping the mechanics...

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Life Saving Rain

It’s just before 7am, the rain clouds are leaving us, retracting to the north. The big grey clouds block the sun’s first rays and you can smell the wet earth. Over seven inches or 175mm have fallen in the last six days, nice steady rain, no heavy showers for run off, just the good soaking rain we so desperately...

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