Recipe: Chorizo and Spinach Quiche

This recipe is of the “pot luck” variety… it came to life from what we had in the fridge and turned out better than imagined. The ingredients make it a very dense quiche, so it’s very filling. It’s also really good for school/work lunches – even served cold, it’s really yummy. Cheers, Alison Ingredients: 2 sheets of...

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Is There a Link Between Preservatives and Headaches or Migraines?

One of our customers recently told us that since he’d started eating our products he’s no longer experiencing migraines. We were really pleased to hear this news so thought we’d share a bit more information about the topic. Headaches are one of the most common ailments to affect Australians, with between 75 and 90 per...

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Recipe: Lamb Loin Chops with Grilled Zucchini and Broad Bean Salad

Ingredients: 8 Pasture Fed lamb loin chops 400 g frozen broad beans 800 g zucchini, finely sliced in lengths 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 tbsp lemon juice 15 small mint leaves 50 g pea shoots Method: Cook the chops on a medium to high grill/bbq for 3 minutes on each side. To make the salad bring a large pot of...

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What’s Happening to the Taste and Nutrients of What We Eat?

I haven’t seen many of you down at my local newsagent early on a Thursday morning, picking up your copy of The Land… I’m assuming you must all get it delivered; perusing the cattle prices, watching the wool market and checking out the latest tractor as you enjoy your black tea and WeetBix. You will all then recall...

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How to Make a Difference in Your House

Target 100 is an initiative by Australian cattle and sheep farmers, to deliver sustainable cattle and sheep farming by 2020. It’s a commitment to take positive action, to continually improve the way we operate and improve our sustainability throughout the red meat supply chain. The Free Range Butcher has signed up to...

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Pork San Choy Bow

Pork San Choy Bow or Lettuce Wraps is a super healthy, family friendly meal.  Very quick and easy to make mid-week and if you double up on the mince, you’ll have leftovers for lunches.   Chicken or Turkey mince are great substitutes and there is no reason you couldn’t make this dish with beef mince for something...

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