How to Eat More Fruit and Veggies

As a nutritionist, I find veggie intake is one of the most common areas that people struggle with. I recommend aiming for 8 – 10 servings of veggies a day. Veggies are an important source of essential nutrients, antioxidants and fibre. Regular consumption of veggies helps to prevent development of health conditions...

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Recipe: Brown Onion Gravy

Ingredients: 2 medium onions, thinly sliced 1 tbsp olive oil 2 tbsp butter 1.5 tbsps of plain flour 1.5 cups water 1 cup beef stock or broth 1 tbsp of Worcestershire sauce Pinch of cracked pepper 1 tsp cold butter (optional) Method: Add the onion, butter and oil to a heavy based fry pan over moderate heat. (If you’ve...

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How to Increase the Absorption of Nutrients – Part 2

(If you missed Part 1 of this article, you can catch up on it here.) In Australia we’re lucky to have access to a wide variety of fresh food. Smart shoppers buy in season, work with what they have, and are conscious of getting maximum value – both in dollar terms and nutritionally. Here’s more of my...

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Butter Chicken

There is nothing better than homemade Butter Chicken.  My tip with this is to double up when making the spice mix and keep a jar handy in the cupboard for next time.  I’ve been know to rub that spice mix on a whole chicken as well for something different (but yummy). Ingredients: 1kg Free Range Chicken Breast...

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