Guide to Beef Cuts

To get the best results, it’s important to choose the right cut for what you’re making. Hands up anyone who’s used fillet for a slow cooking casserole and ended up with mince? Or stir-fried gravy beef and still been chewing it hours later? Ok, maybe that’s an extreme example, but you get my point. Here’s...

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Food Temperature Danger Zone

With the start of summer just around the corner, we need to remember the importance of how we transport and store perishable goods, such as meat. There’s a saying in the food service industry: “Keep cold foods cold, and hot foods hot”. Bacteria thrive between 5°C and 60°C, a range of temperatures that’s...

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What Does Free Range Mean to You?

There has been some talk in the media and at the markets recently about Free Range and exactly how ‘free’ is the ‘range’. When we first started the business and we were thinking of a name, we sent out a sample of our top five names to family and friends. The Free Range Butcher was not among them....

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