One way to move a windmill

I arrived in the Northern Territory in early February; the first round of mustering was yet to start. As we waited for the end of the wet season to finish we worked close around the homestead – fencing, cleaning out water troughs, moving small groups of cattle to new water and fresh feed, and helping the mechanics do...

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Thank You 2018

It’s been a big year for us at the Free Range Butcher, and a year of two tales.  While the butchery side of things has gone forward in leaps and bounds and we look forward to celebrating our 10th year in business, our farm ‘Blue Hills’ has had it tough and is still in drought, as are the farms of many of our suppliers....

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Herbs – The KinderGARDEN of Growing at Home

Gardening at home is rewarding in many ways, not only does it get you outdoors, it can bring you a new found hobby but also it can keep you in a plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs. For some of us with a little more space than others there is no end to what you can grow. I went with the early theory of ‘Grow...

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A Drive In The Country

I don’t mind a drive in the country. Seeing new country is the best, different soils and trees always tell a story and no description does the justice of being there. Last month I drove out through the lower Hunter, left onto the Golden Highway and headed towards Dubbo. I camped the night at a small town and got a cheap...

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Winter Newsletter 2018

Welcome to our Winter Newsletter for 2018. We fell off the horse in writing newsletters a while back…. With a good amount of rest under our belt this month we bring you news from the farm, some tips for your winter garden, some help around food programs and some kitchen inspiration too. Winter on the farm is a bit of...

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Friday the 13th

It’s unclear where the superstitions surrounding Friday the 13th started but if the month starts on a Sunday then you’ll have a Friday the 13th. October brings us a Friday the 13th and Halloween.  If you are little superstitious when it comes to Friday the 13th then lets eat foods that bring us luck. Pork...

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