The New ABC: Abattoirs, Bandwagons and Certification

We received a question today about the abattoirs we use and whether or not they are Halal certified. Presuming that the person was not seeking meat for religious reasons (this was obvious from the questions she asked), I can only assume that she had been reading the social media hype regarding the fees that are charged...

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Ethics, Sustainability, Traceability and Pricing

If you’re a regular reader of our blog or newsletter, you’re probably already familiar with what we produce and sell, and how we (and our like-minded farming partners) make it happen. From the beginning we’ve encouraged questions from customers and we never shy away from the tough ones. This week I...

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Recipe: Corn, Tomato & Avocado Salad

The colours in this salad are so vibrant, it makes it even more appealing to eat. I found it’s substantial enough to just have this salad with a serve of meat and dinner is done. Simple. Serves 4 Ingredients: 2 cups cherry tomatoes, halved 2 whole cobs of corn (approx. 1.5 cups) 1 avocado, diced 1/2 purple onion,...

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