Author: Michele Lyons

Michele Lyons spent 25 years working in the corporate environment with 10 years as an Executive Assistant at a senior level. A couple of years ago Michele decided to forgo the long hours in the city to work closer to home and spend more time with her two teenage boys. Michele started working with us at the Farmers Markets and her excellent organisation skills meant she quickly moved into the office. Since Michele joined The Free Range Butcher her role has expanded to include all things administration, recipe testing, inspirational ideas, marketing, communications and all round keeping the team organised and on track. As long as Michele’s has had her morning coffee you can ask her anything!

Strawberry Salad

This salad is usually made with mangos but here we’ve gone with something a little different by using strawberries as in this instance we wanted to show our support to the strawberry farmers. Ingredients: 1 punnet strawberries, cored and chopped in half 1/2 avocado, cut into large chunks 1 red chilli, finely diced 1/2...

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Chicken Livers with Thyme, Garlic & Leek

Chicken livers are very nutritious and high in vitamin A but they can be a bit difficult for most people to deal with.  Be a little adventurous and try some different protein options like offal. Ingredients: 250g Organic Free Range Chicken Livers 1/2 tsp salt Generous grind of black pepper 2 tbsp coconut oil 1 leek,...

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