Cooking with Kids

As our nutritionist, Sally Hansen, mentioned in an earlier post about encouraging kids to eat more veggies, kids are more likely to try new meals by being involved in their preparation. I often see the pride from Tom and Georgia when we sit down to dinner and they tell Ben which part of the meal they were responsible...

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How to Increase the Absorption of Nutrients – Part 2

(If you missed Part 1 of this article, you can catch up on it here.) In Australia we’re lucky to have access to a wide variety of fresh food. Smart shoppers buy in season, work with what they have, and are conscious of getting maximum value – both in dollar terms and nutritionally. Here’s more of my...

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Butter Chicken

There is nothing better than homemade Butter Chicken.  My tip with this is to double up when making the spice mix and keep a jar handy in the cupboard for next time.  I’ve been know to rub that spice mix on a whole chicken as well for something different (but yummy). Ingredients: 1kg Free Range Chicken Breast...

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How to Increase the Absorption of Nutrients – Part 1

It is important to consume a diet full of wholefoods, quality proteins, healthy fats and fresh fruit and veggies to ensure we are nourishing and supporting our bodies as best we can. Whilst we may be doing all this, it is also essential to know that we are gaining as much as possible from the foods we consume. Just making...

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Cooking Tip: How to Store Christmas Leftovers

How to Store Leftovers Ham  Cover the ham after carving with the reserved rind, then wrap with a moist tea towel or ham bag. Do not use plastic wrap to cover the ham. Rinse out your Ham Bag and repeat the vinegar process every 3 days to retain freshness. Consider slicing enough ham to last 2 – 3 days and storing it...

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